
ICN Awards 2021

The 2021 ICN Awards results were announced yesterday!

I’m delighted to say that Turning Roads (you know, that little thing) won Best Irish Anthology. The book means a lot to me, as the first project of its kind that I’ve tackled, and as a book in its own right. I was fortunate to get to work with 35 other creators on the book, and bring it to Thought Bubble for its UK launch. The second printing is on the way from Comic Printing UK as I write this, just in time for the first in-person Irish convention I’ll have gotten to attend since October 2019 – a one-day Octocon!

Turning Roads also won Best Kickstarter and Declan Shalvey’s cover won Best Irish Comic Cover. (The original is hanging on my wall.)

Limit Break Comics won Best Publisher, which feels nice to say after the work we’ve put in over the last three and a half years.

On a personal note, I won Best Letterer! I fell in love with lettering when I worked on Plexus #1 back in 2019, and I’ve been lucky to get to work on a few different projects since then – including lettering a quarter of the comics in Turning Roads that had words.

The wonderful Tríona Farrell scooped both Best Colourist awards, the small press award going for her work on Turning Roads – she coloured the story that myself and James Killian put together. It was fun telling him that she’d agreed to colour it, all that time ago.

Finally (I know, when is someone going to shut me up about this), I’m delighted to say that IrishComics.ie won Best Comic Related/Featured Online Content. I’ve loved getting to work on the site since its launch last July. By the end of this week we’ll have published 173 pages of comics, which would make for a chonky little book if it were in print. (And we’ve no plans to slow down!)

Okay. That’s it. Just those seven. (I’ve never won an ICN Award before, so this feels like a big deal for me!)

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