Thought Bubble 2023

Thought Bubble 2023

Thought Bubble weekend is always a blast, but isn’t without its flaws. These are, generally, not the fault of the convention. Unless they control the weather. In which case, boo hiss. But I’m getting ahead of myself. This year, Thought Bubble was an opportunity to launch Fractured Realms. With a wee little graphic mocked up before…

Fractured Realms on Kickstarter

Fractured Realms on Kickstarter

It took some going, but we did it – Fractured Realms is now on Kickstarter! The campaign launched seven hours ago, and we’re already at €2,013. Absolute madness. You can check it out here:​ The early-bird pricing on the book lasts for a week. And hey, I can finally show off all the extras. (I didn’t have…