
Fierce: A Hopepunk Anthology Coming Soon!

Launching at Octocon, and due for release on Amazon next week, is Cupán Fae’s sixth anthology of short stories. Fierce: A Hopepunk Anthology collects work from five authors centred around Hopepunk and the battle for life in the face of adversity. The stories lean towards science fiction as a toolbox for hope, with tales of alien invasion, space exploration, zombies and mechs.

Fierce joins Cupán Fae’s other anthologies:

  • Dublin’s Fierce City
  • Fierce Mighty
  • Fierce New World
  • Fierce & Proud
  • Fiercepunk

I’m looking forward to the day we can bring all five to an in-person convention. Fierce & Proud and Fiercepunk both launched at Octocon last year, an online event, and haven’t yet graced the convention floors of Ireland.

Like its predecessors, Fierce includes a landmark from Dublin on its cover. We’ve so far had the Spire, the Samuel Beckett Bridge, Dublin Castle, the GPO and the clock inside Stephen’s Green shopping centre. For our sixth book, I turned to Dunsink Observatory.

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