The Bram Stoker Festival
The Bram Stoker Festival is now well and truly over. I didn’t get to attend anything in person this year, but On the Count’s Trail snuck into the world via Stokerland. The team from BSF took some rad photos of the posters on display around the park – the final one is safe to share because you need a password to get into it.

But hey, how about some sneaky views of the comics anyway?

We open in Dublin. I wrote this part. Hugh Madden took liberties with the idea when he was the artist. (He does this. He’s lucky he’s a good artist.)

We move to London with Kat Foyle on art, and Aaron Fever writing the story.

In Paris, we meet James Killian on art, with Hugh’s colours and my lettering. Aaron’s script again.

In Munich, Mari Rolin worked on a script co-written by myself and Aaron. I had to finish what he’d started, because his firstborn came into the world. And Mari had to swap in for Clare because a separate project suddenly required her time. Mari is a superstar and we love her for rescuing the project. (And for letting Clare step away in peace!)

When we reach Budapest, we meet the final artist on the story: Eoin Barclay. This was from Aaron’s script, again.

We closed on Dracula’s Castle, though I’ve had to crop this one in a funny way so you can’t see how it all works out.
Hugh took back over on the art for this part to wrap the story up. The scavenger hunt elements of the project are scattered throughout the previous five chapters, all culminating in the Harker children’s daring rescue of their parents.
We’re currently chatting to the organisers of the Bram Stoker Festival about how to make the project live forever. More news on that when I have it – hopefully it’ll make it so more eyes can fall on the comic over time!