Down Below Kickstarter, Cover and Family Tree
We have a whole bunch of news on the Down Below Kickstarter.
- The campaign was finally approved a day after the intended launch. We went live at noon on Friday, March 11th.
- By the end of the weekend, we were almost at €5K. That was without social media marketing, without interviews, and without much time to talk about it online. (Because we were at Comic Con!)
- It took another week to double that figure. At that point, we had artwork back on a couple of rewards – the sticker pack, designed by yours truly, and the inks on Kevin Keane’s print for the print pack. Wanna see the stickers?

Things are still full-steam ahead on the campaign. The social media marketing is almost entirely focused on the creators, with bios for teams posted one a day.
We’re excited with how well the campaign is going. We have the final cover design to show off, too, which is exciting – Becca Carey worked her magic on a logo to blend with Stephen and Tríona’s cover art.

When we passed a stretch goal, we unlock a wee little fold-out zine, a family tree of the Greek gods, for every physical backer (for free!) and provided a bonus page rate to the creators in the book. Huzzah! When myself and Gary were discussing the budget at the beginning of all of this, figuring out how to increase the page rate was our biggest priority. The stretch goal allowed us to do that without pushing the main campaign goal too high.
The zine is below, broken down into its separate parts: cover and back cover, first pages when you open it showing the gods’ names and titles, and the full interior when it’s opened further, showing the family tree.

What started as stickers and then became a passion project will be a fun little addition to the book. (And highlight just how much Zeus gets around…)