
Turning Roads Production Update

Straight from the last campaign update, here’s where the production of the book stands so far:

  • We’re still a month out from the deadline for creative teams, and so far no one is reporting any major delays. The pages I’ve seen so far have me extra excited to begin sharing this book with people, from reviewers to the general public.
  • The enamel pin has been sent to the manufacturer. Pins have the longest wait time from start to finish, so I made sure to get that part processed as soon as possible.
  • The stickers are all complete, though not yet on order. I’ll be including them in an order for Red Fox Cards next month. There’s no reason to get them any earlier, because they won’t be available on the store until after fulfilment.
  • The zine is still in production. It’ll be on order with the bookplates from Donna Black and Gareth Luby, and the stretch goal prints from John Cullen and PJ Holden at the end of June/start of July. I’ve been juggling a few different things, so I don’t have much by way of an update on that front.

As well as that, I was interviewed by the Comic Book Yeti’s team about the book, the Irish comic scene, and spreadsheets. It’s a long interview, covering quite a broad spectrum of topics and includes some notes on tackling a Kickstarter campaign.

It’s possibly the last interview I’ll be taking part in until I have something else to promote, with a novel on the way and the anthology to release later this year. Hopefully soon I’ll even have some reviews of the anthology to share, and some pages to give you a sneak peek at!

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