
The Evolution Programme

I’ve been sitting on this news for a few weeks now, and it’s been killing me having to keep it quiet for so long: I’ve been awarded a place on the Irish Writers Centre’s Evolution Programme, a six-month professional development programme that seeks to support Irish writers.

This is the third year of the Evolution Programme (EP3), with ten writers selected this year to take part. I’m the first comic writer to be awarded a place, which is exciting. I’m likely the only person to have a weirdly broad knowledge of Excel and productivity tools, so we’ll see what I have to offer to folks. Our group will be meeting every month online as part of a collaborative forum, which is an opportunity for us to share skills and get to know one another.

One really exciting aspect of the programme is that I’ve been given a place in a teaching internship at the University of Galway. Over the space of ten weeks, myself and two others from EP3 will be teaching the first year BA Creative Writing students. The class will be split into three group, and we’ll each be taking a group at a time for three weeks. Expect to see a fair few social media posts about trains between October and January.

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