Thought Bubble 2021

This past weekend, myself and Gareth Luby met in Harrogate to represent Limit Break Comics at Thought Bubble. There, we were able to launch Turning Roads, bring our books to a UK show for the first time, and meet some fellow creators. It was a fun, but exhausting weekend, and though it was clear the pandemic…

Turning Roads Campaign Ended

Turning Roads Campaign Ended

On Sunday evening, just after dinner with my parents, we sat around my phone waiting for 8pm and the end of the Turning Roads Kickstarter. Cue the confetti. That was a long month, with more interviews than I’d ever done in a single year, and more engagement with people online than I’ve managed probably since I joined…

Announcing ‘Turning Roads’

Announcing ‘Turning Roads’

If you’ve been paying attention to my social media the last few weeks, you’ll seen mention of a wee little anthology I’m putting together through Limit Break Comics. Turning Roads is aiming to collect comic adaptations of Irish folklore and mythology stories, set in modern and future Ireland. The book will be going to Kickstarter later this…