Dublin Comic Con – August 2022

Over the weekend, myself, the rest of the Limit Break crowd, and my twin brother made our way to the convention centre for Dublin Comic Con. It’s only the second such show in three years, so we’re still getting used to the idea of being around people.

Returning to Comic Con properly after all this time means coming back with some new faces behind the table. Seamus Kavanagh has become a staple of Limit Break Comics, James Killian, John McGuinness and Rebecca Reynolds are heavily featured artists are on our books, and Alice Coleman is popping up more and more in our titles.

We got a group photo of the original trio and the three that joined us for a panel we ran at the convention, on creating short comics. We’re becoming a happy little comics family, with more than enough titles to keep us busy for the foreseeable future.

I put up a round-up of the convention on the Limit Break website, in case you’re interested in reading more about our weekend, and seeing one of the funniest mistakes in DCC history.

Read it here: http://limitbreakcomics.com/2022/08/09/dublin-comic-con-round-up-august-2022/

Seamus will be doing a write-up on the panel soon, but we’ll let him rest (and I guess return to his day job) before he gets to work on that.

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