2023 End of Year Round-up

2023 End of Year Round-up

On my newsletter, I had the notion to do a full round-up of every story and event from 2023 that I’d published or been part of. It turns it, it makes for a long list. These are the sorts of things that it’s easy to forget about when December rolls around, when you’re tired and…

2023 Round-Up

2023 Round-Up

This year was slower for publications than I’d intended it to be, though that sometimes happens when Normal Life doesn’t stick to the plan. That said, I still managed to produce a fair bit of work and have new books lined up for 2024 releases. Books and Stories This year, I published three short comics…

Thought Bubble 2023

Thought Bubble 2023

Thought Bubble weekend is always a blast, but isn’t without its flaws. These are, generally, not the fault of the convention. Unless they control the weather. In which case, boo hiss. But I’m getting ahead of myself. This year, Thought Bubble was an opportunity to launch Fractured Realms. With a wee little graphic mocked up before…

The Bram Stoker Festival

The Bram Stoker Festival

The Bram Stoker Festival is now well and truly over. I didn’t get to attend anything in person this year, but On the Count’s Trail snuck into the world via Stokerland. The team from BSF took some rad photos of the posters on display around the park – the final one is safe to share because you…

My first Octocon as Chair

My first Octocon as Chair

Octocon 2023 is over! We had some ups and downs, as all conventions go, but all in all it was wonderful! I survived my panels, which included getting to talk Irish folklore and YA (separately) with Ruth Long, and getting to talk comics and Barbie with Kat and Danielle, with Michael Carroll also on the…

The Evolution Programme

The Evolution Programme

I’ve been sitting on this news for a few weeks now, and it’s been killing me having to keep it quiet for so long: I’ve been awarded a place on the Irish Writers Centre’s Evolution Programme, a six-month professional development programme that seeks to support Irish writers. This is the third year of the Evolution Programme (EP3), with…

The European Science Fiction Society Hall of Fame Awards 2023

The European Science Fiction Society Hall of Fame Awards 2023

After a weekend of not looking at the Internet, I found out on Monday that Limit Break Comics has been nominated for Best Publisher in the European Science Fiction Society Hall of Fame Awards! Nominees are selected by members from that country, which means the Irish nominators saw fit to put us forward! Check out…

All About Books – Radio Appearance

All About Books – Radio Appearance

On the back of my press release for Fractured Realms, Katy from All About Books reached out to see if I’d do an interview! We spoke about the creation of Limit Break Comics, the anthologies, and my Shelf Life. You can listen to it here: https://www.mixcloud.com/1032DublinCityFM/all-about-books-23rd-march-2023/​ It feels very strange to be included in the highlights for…